What Do I Need to Know About Tooth Extractions

It’s a procedure you’ll likely have done at least once in your lifetime.

When a tooth begins to cause you unbearable pain or structural problems, your dentist will likely recommend that you have it removed. Tooth extractions are one of the most common dental operations; and while many may need such an operation in their lifetime, very few actually know what’s involved.

Things You Need to Know

There are several circumstances that may prompt your dentist to recommend a tooth extraction procedure, however three common ones are:

  • Instances where a tooth is impacted, which means it’s no longer able to grow normally.
  • When there is a need to make room for dental alignment.
  • When a tooth is so badly damaged it is irreparable.

If you believe that it’s time for one of your teeth to come out, it’s best to visit your dentist and get their expert opinion. If your dentist agrees that a tooth extraction is the best recourse, then they will likely recommend that you have the procedure done as soon as possible, for postponing such an operation may lead to pain, infection, and misalignment. And in instances where it’s wisdom teeth that have to come out, sometimes the only way to totally avoid the discomfort is through a tooth extraction.

In instances where the dentist can see the tooth in question, they’ll likely perform the procedure in the office with the use of anesthesia. If the tooth is broken or not fully emerged, your dentist will likely refer you to an oral surgeon who will perform a surgical tooth extraction with the use of heavier anesthesia. Remember that when you’re given anesthesia, you need to carefully follow the instructions given by your surgeon regarding eating and drinking before your operation; you’ll also want to make sure someone is there to give you a ride home after the procedure.

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